viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


On our second week in France we have been setting a routine of walks to the forest with the dogs. the weather has been a little bit....better said "too" cold , even though very nice to walk and play with them outside,there is practically nobody around so the place was totally for us.On the way to it ,we can see a lovely fountain where before the animals of the farms used to drink water and the people of the village used to wash their clothes,very cute!! .
Also I share some of the meals we prepared during the week .

En nuestra segunda semana en Francia programamos una rutina de caminatas con los perros al bosque; el clima ha estado algo frio....bueno...bien frio...sin embargo hemos disfrutado de caminar y jugar con ellos afuera, practicamente no pasa nadie asi que el lugar era todo nuestro.En camino al bosque se pasa por una pileta muy linda que antes se usaba para que los animales bebieran y para que las personas de la villa lavaran sus ropas.
Tambien les comparto unas fotos de nuestras comidas.

As everything is not color rose. soon it started a pain so I had to book an appointment with a dentist :(
Como no todo es color de rosa me comenzo un dolor de muelas!!!.... tuve que programar una cita con el dentista.

Just before of of the dogs...Pupi.. scaped and I had to run behind as a crazy to catch him!!
Somehow I managed to do it .

Esta es una foto justo antes de que uno de los perros escapara...tuve que correr como loca detras de el. Nose como lo atrape, por que es un loquito mientras mas corres detras mas se aleja.


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