domingo, 21 de junio de 2015


I hope everybody is having a very nice weekend,today in Peru we are celebrating fathers day. At home we have a kind of tradition for each celebration ,its to have a lunch or dinner with all the family.This year will be a dinner, something intimate because we are only 4 but maybe my aunt and uncles will come,so in any ways will not be anything bigger than a family dinner to celebrate my father and uncles.

I wish all a happy celebration for the ones who are lucky to have their fathers with them,for the ones who maybe are not able to pass this day with them,I hope the next year could be possible and for the ones who dont have them anymore, I hope this day be a day to remember and celebrate the good times they expended together.

If one day you read this,I wish you a happy fathers day ...Dad.

Te deseo un Feliz Dia del Padre, Pa. Apesar de nuestras diferencias y del caracter tan parecido que nos caracteriza, osea medio jodiditos jajaja...te quiero y aunque no sea algo de todos los dias te agradezco los esfuerzos y el apoyo... especialmente esas palabras tuyas,tan particulares para que mi hermana y yo no cometamos errores. Apesar que criticamos tu manera de educar... aveces dura y medio cruda ,hay cosas que ahora siendo adulta me doy cuenta que nos sirvieron de mucho y nos ayudaron a no ser como los demas, a pensar antes de actuar, a aprender de los errores ajenos, a no estrellarnos contra la pared para saber las consequencias,a analizar y sobretodo a prevenir!! ahhhh siento que soy una vieja hablando asi. Pero es lo que es.Y reconozco tus aciertos.
Feliz dia Padre.

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